The world's first Angry Birds themed blood glucose meter has been released on February 10 2015 in the UK and Europe.
The device was developed by Finnish health technology company, Modz, after discussing blood glucose meters with children and healthcare specialists.
The meter aims to make blood testing less of a chore for children with diabetes and increase their motivation to achieve improved blood glucose levels.
It can fit into pockets or be worn around the neck, and reminds users to test their blood sugar levels, while meal times can be stored in the memory of the meter.
The value of the Angry Birds meter was demonstrated when a 13-year-old diabetic boy reduced his HbA1c reading from nine per cent to 7.3 per cent within two months.
Reward system
The meter features a touchscreen interface that includes Rovio’s Angry Birds characters, with each coloured character corresponding to the blood test result.
Points and rewards are given for good test readings, allowing children to progress up each level. Parents can keep informed of their child’s results with email and text message notifications.
All results are stored on a secure cloud device, and can be accessed by healthcare teams, potentially alleviating a lot of stress that parents face in encouraging their children to blood test regularly and achieve good control of their diabetes.
"We're extremely excited to help motivate diabetic children and young adults to live healthier lives. Modz makes the link between frequent measuring and feeling good very concrete. The meter fosters self-care and helps juveniles become independent," said Modz CEO Vesa Kemppainen.
Angry Birds blood testing meter released in UK
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