The diabetes challenge

Общемировые новости по сахарному диабету на английском языке. Публикуются пользователями и автоматически из лент информационных агентств.
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The diabetes challenge

Сообщение Grayman »

WE are all familiar with the adage “prevention is better than cure”.

When it comes to diabetes and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs), this saying rings true.

With an estimated 200,000 ­people in Trinidad and Tobago living with dia­betes, and more and more people being diagnosed every year, diabetes has become a challenge to address.

In fact, the disease—which leads to a number of complications, including blindness, kidney failure and amputation—is the second leading cause of death in this country and is considered an epidemic across the world.

And hospital beds in this country remain filled with people suffering from a myriad of diabetes-related ­complications.


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