OTTO Phones has launched OTTO Chekr, which is the first mobile device with a glucose monitor. OTTO Chekr under OTTO Phones is the first-of-its-kind, which has an added feature that one would not find in any other mobile phone, according to a press release.
It can help check the glucose level or blood sugar level in the human body. The glucose level can be checked with the help of the specially designed glucose meter kit manufactured by Bioland Technology Ltd, which also has been certified by US Food and Drug Association.
With the OTTO Chekr, specially manufactured Bioland Kit will be available, which has a lancing device, lancets, glucose test strips and user manual with a user guide as well. Along with the special feature, OTTO Chekr also has a Pedometer, which is in-built in the phone itself that helps to estimate the distance travelled on foot by recording the number of steps taken. The phone is available in three colour variants and weighs only 119 grams. Jaima Intercontinental is sole authorised marketer and distributor for OTTO Phones in Nepal.
OTTO’s new device
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